News & Trends - Biotechnology
Australian biotech develops printable point-of-care COVID-19 diagnostic test
Biotech News: Australian biotechnology enterprise The iQ Group Global has announced a collaboration with Harvard University to develop a printable point-of-care SARS-CoV-2 antibody test for the COVID-19 disease that could produce results in real-time.
Life Science Biosensor Diagnostics (LSBD), a portfolio company of The iQ Group Global, entered into a development collaboration agreement with Harvard University this week to develop the test from the Australian-invented Biosensor Platform; a printable organic thin-film transistor ‘strip’ being developed by LSBD to put the power of accurate and timely diagnosis in the hands of patients and their primary health practitioners at point of care.
The high-profile collaboration involves a pilot study to integrate the Biosensor Platform with a special coating developed at the Wyss Institute that can detect IgM and/or IgG antibodies, which indicate a person’s current or previous exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and, thus, a potential infection with COVID-19.
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The future of point of care diagnostics, the Biosensor Platform is being developed by LSBD to test for more than 130 indications, including tumour markers, allergens, hormones and communicable diseases. The flagship diagnostic device being developed from the Biosensor Platform is the Saliva Glucose Biosensor, the first non-invasive replacement for finger-prick blood glucose testing for diabetes management.
Based on the data generated in this pilot study, further development in partnership Harvard University could result in a chewing-gum-sized diagnostic ‘strip’ that can be used for COVID-19 testing at point of care, with the ability to be printed at scale at a low cost, and produce real-time results.
“At The iQ Group Global, our mission is to create the medicines of tomorrow. Never before has our mission been more relevant, nor more urgent,” Dr George Syrmalis, Group CEO and Chairman of The iQ Group Global said.
In alignment with the Government’s mental health initiative the #SelfcareInHealthcare campaign has been launched to support Pharma, Biotech and MedTech industry professionals. The initiative is supported by Medicines Australia, AusBiotech, MTAA and ARCS Australia. Learn more.
“We are thrilled to enter this landmark collaboration for Australian biotechnology with the world-renowned Wyss Institute at Harvard University. Dependent on the outcomes of this research, we may be in a position to provide the global healthcare system with a point-of-care test capable of detecting SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, with the ability to provide results in minutes. If the pilot study data is positive, this test has the potential to be used as a point-of-care screening and diagnostic tool, and pre-vaccination screening tests for when a COVID-19 vaccine is made available,” Dr Syrmalis said.
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