

New online resource for chronic pain patients

Health Industry Hub | October 28, 2019 |

A new online directory has been launched to provide people living with chronic pain – and their health practitioners – a comprehensive list of available services to help manage their conditions.

The National Pain Services Directory was developed by Painaustralia and supported by the Morrison Government.

The new directory will make it easier for people to access more than 200 pain treatment services, and ensure they are able to receive treatment that is appropriate and effective for their needs.

Deloitte Access Economics estimates 3.24 million Australians were living with chronic pain in 2018.

It is an escalating health issue and carries a significant economic burden, both for affected individuals and the national health system.

The Government funded Painaustralia to develop the National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management. The Action Plan draws on best practice evidence as well as expertise from the pain sector to provide recommended actions for addressing the impact and burden of chronic pain.

$6.8 million has been invested to support a number of prominent pain activities, including:

  • $1 million to Painaustralia to support consumer awareness and education for people affected by pain.
  • $1 million to help train GPs to enable them to participate more effectively in pain management care.
  • $500,000 for a public education campaign specifically focused on the management of pain and the use of opioids.
  • $4.3 million to deliver outreach pain management specialist services in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia.

The National Pain Services Directory can be accessed from the Painaustralia website.

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