
News & Trends - Pharmaceuticals

Sanofi Australia expands its inclusion and diversity program

Health Industry Hub | June 26, 2020 |

Sanofi Australia and New Zealand has launched its first Accessibility Inclusion Plan, as the latest step in its broad inclusion and diversity program.

The Plan, which has been lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission, outlines Sanofi’s committed actions to create an accessible and inclusive environment where all employees feel comfortable to openly share, and ask for, workplace adjustments that help them to perform at their best.

Sanofi Australia and New Zealand’s Chief Financial Officer, Yogita Nath, is executive sponsor for the internal team who led the Accessibility Inclusion Plan’s development.

“Sanofi has a proud history of supporting and empowering people who have a diverse range of individual needs. The addition of our inaugural Accessibility Inclusion Plan is an important part of formalising this commitment to our current and future workforces, and wider community,” she said.


“Now, with so much uncertainty evident across the corporate landscape, there has never been a greater need to invest in work that makes businesses more inclusive.

“We all know that diverse and inclusive businesses exhibit increased profitability and creativity, and better problem solving abilities.
“Building a working environment where we can hear and learn from a diverse range of voices, and welcome diverse points of view always makes good business sense. This need is even more pronounced during challenging periods.”

The Sanofi Australia and New Zealand Accessibility Inclusion Plan outlines seventeen actions across four priority areas: employees, workplace, patients / consumers and our corporate social responsibility.

The seventeen actions include commitments to:

  1. Review all existing recruitment programs to identity and remove any unintended barriers from existing recruitment, selection and onboarding processes
  2. Create and deliver new training and learning programs for all leaders and employees
  3. Create and deliver a new policy and procedure to support Workplace Adjustments where needed
  4. Pilot an internship program for young people living with a disability
  5. Review all existing physical workplaces to ensure they meet accessibility requirements.

Sanofi Australia and New Zealand Director of Human Resources, Michelle Zimany, thanked everyone who had been involved in researching and crafting the Plan.

“This Plan represents a truly collaborative effort having been created in consultation with our working group, key stakeholders and external experts who have provided invaluable insight,” she said.

“Across Australia and New Zealand, 1 in 5 people live with a disability. By taking conscious steps to remove any unintended bias and make our business more accessible, we will open more doors to a wider range of talented future employees.”

Actions within the Sanofi Australia and New Zealand Accessibility Inclusion Plan will be delivered across 2020 and 2021 and will be reviewed annually.

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