
News & Trends - Pharmaceuticals

First locally-produced AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine doses released for rollout

Health Industry Hub | March 24, 2021 |

Pharma News: The first locally produced doses of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine are now available for use in Australia. After approval by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) last night of the first four batches manufactured by CSL, more than 830,000 doses have been released. Additional batches will be approved and released for distribution on a weekly basis.

Ms Liz Chatwin, Country President, AstraZeneca Australia and New Zealand, said “This is a proud moment. Being able to manufacture the AstraZeneca vaccine here in Australia provides local certainty of supply in our efforts against COVID-19.

“CSL has delivered the locally produced doses ahead of their original schedule to support the Government’s vaccine rollout timetable. Australians can feel confident that this vaccine, locally made by our partner, CSL, meets the high standards of efficacy, safety and quality required for use in Australia,” she added.

CSL Chief Scientific Officer, Dr Andrew Nash said “It has taken a significant collaborative effort to get to this point and I would like to acknowledge all our partners including the Australian Government, AstraZeneca and the TGA for their dedication and rigour to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to the nation.”

Ms Chatwin continued “This is a terrific day for all Australians, and a very proud day for all of us at AstraZeneca. There are so many people who have been working behind the scenes each and every day for many months to get us to this point. 

“AstraZeneca signed an agreement with Oxford University less than one year ago, to develop and manufacture a COVID-19 vaccine that would address the global health emergency, providing broad and equitable access at no profit during the pandemic. Witnessing the vaccine being administered to millions of people around the world within months of its creation, and now in Australia, is proof of what science can do.”

Worldwide, AstraZeneca is providing close to three billion doses of the vaccine at no profit during the pandemic, ensuring broad and equitable access to the vaccine. In addition to agreements directly with governments, the COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access) initiative is providing 170 million doses to 142 low and middle income countries.

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