
News & Trends - MedTech & Diagnostics

Medtronic and Lumeon partner for value-based care platform

Health Industry Hub | December 11, 2019 |

Lumeon, the leader in Care Pathway Management (CPM) has entered a strategic partnership with Medtronic to support Medtronic’s healthcare provider customers in their transition to efficient, value-based care models.

Through the partnership, Medtronic’s Integrated Healthcare Solutions (IHS) business will leverage Lumeon’s leading CPM Platform to operationalise care pathways for surgery optimisation and chronic disease management in Europe. These pathways allow providers to create more effective care coordination that reduces the cost of care delivery while minimising unwarranted variation in care.

Medtronic IHS aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of patient care settings, such as cardiac catheterisation labs and operating rooms, while optimising patient pathways and care delivery from the time a patient is referred for treatment to the time he or she has fully recovered.

“As the global healthcare market undergoes a transition from activity-based reimbursement to outcome-based reimbursement, providers are faced with the challenge of reinventing their business models while delivering care that ensures high-quality clinical, operational, and financial outcomes,” said Robbie Hughes, founder and CEO at Lumeon. “We are proud to be working with Medtronic, a company with a well-earned reputation in value-based care models, to help providers master that transition.”

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“We are partnering with over 100 hospitals in Europe to develop evidence-based, best practice-informed pathways that deliver superior outcomes for the lowest possible cost,” said Frederic Noël, vice president, Medtronic IHS EMEA. “To help our customers embed these pathways in daily practice and apply them at scale, across their patient groups, we need more than pathway reference models and change management services. We must provide them with solutions to digitalise the pathway, and automate and orchestrate multi-disciplinary care delivery, leveraging Lumeon’s CPM platform.”

Lumeon’s CPM platform ensures that every patient stays on a personalised plan of care throughout his or her entire healthcare journey. It leverages intelligent automation and orchestration to manage a shared plan of care across multiple teams and settings, automatically adjusting activities and deploying the right resource required for each individual patient in real-time.

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