
News & Trends - MedTech & Diagnostics

Hospitals urged to engage doctors on key management decisions

Health Industry Hub | January 23, 2023 |

MedTech News: Decisions on resource allocation, service provision and patient care are often made too far from the point of patient care. A new position statement has been released promoting the involvement of doctors in hospital governance.

Involving doctors in hospital decision-making in a meaningful way depends on a genuine willingness of governments, administrators and doctors to engage and value each others’ expertise and input. Doctors are concerned that if their expertise and clinical judgement is not part of hospital decision-making, it will often be to the detriment of patient care.

“The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has been concerned with recent moves in public and private hospitals towards open plan offices and non-clinical spaces despite growing evidence they do not result in increased collaboration and can contribute to stress and fatigue. The AMA believes that targets and key performance indicators for hospital management must be developed in consultation with doctors and must include doctors’ psychosocial safety and wellbeing as well as medical staff retention,” the association said.

The AMA is calling for medical practitioners to be involved in decision making on resource allocation, clinical leadership, safe work environments and the purchasing of services for patient care in hospitals.

Stating its views on the optimal management of public and private hospitals, the AMA said doctors at all stages of their career should be engaged in hospital governance, and will advance equity, inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

According to the AMA, hospital workplace culture can be improved with doctors’ involvement in governance. This includes acknowledging that that poor workplace culture linked to poorer patient outcomes.

The AMA said it will continue to advocate for all stakeholders, including ministers and health administrators, to act on doctors’ recommendations for healthcare planning and service delivery.

The AMA members have been encouraged to share the position statement with their peers to amplify the advocacy efforts.

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Human Resources

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