Drugs to Watch in 2024

2024 Drugs to Watch – What Is Fuelling Medical Breakthroughs of the Future?

The Clarivate Drugs to Watch™ report spotlights recently launched or soon-to-launch drugs with the potential to change treatment paradigms and/or reach blockbuster status within five years.

This year’s Drugs to Watch™ report from Clarivate spotlights 13 drugs set to make a mark in 2024, including those expected to reach blockbuster status as well as those with the potential to transform treatment paradigms and serve unmet patient needs. 

Download the report to uncover:

  • Newly-approved or soon-to-be-approved drugs set to establish themselves as breakthrough medicines and blockbuster revenue generators
  • Emerging trends consequential to the discovery, development and delivery of new medicines
  • New technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) applications that hold enormous potential to help drugmakers cut costs and shorten innovation cycles.


To identify this year’s Drugs to Watch 2024 list, we drew from expertise from over 160 Clarivate analysts covering hundreds of diseases, drugs and markets and eleven integrated data sets that span the R&D and commercialization lifecycle.

Clarivate experts then manually evaluated each drug in its individual context, based on factors such as expected approval or launch dates, competitive landscape, regulatory status, trial results, market dynamics and other factors and added novel drugs that, while likely to fall short of blockbuster status, are poised to be therapeutic game-changers.

Drug selection criteria

  • Candidate drugs in phase 2 or phase 3 trials, at pre-registration or registration stage or already launched early in 2023 were selected for analysis, including drugs launched for a new indication that could be particularly impactful on the industry; drugs launched prior to 2023 were excluded.
  • The dataset was then filtered for drugs that had total forecast sales of $1 billion or more in 2029.
  • Expert analysts then added recently launched and soon-to-launch therapeutics set to significantly transform treatment paradigms, even if they are not forecast to be blockbusters within five years.

Download the report as it unveils the 13 identified drugs which according to Clarivate experts have the potential to be the new frontiers in medicine and the key trends that will transform treatment paradigms.

You can also join an exclusive webinar on February 21st as Clarivate’s experts deep dive into the 2024 Drugs to Watch report. Register here.

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