
News & Trends - Biotechnology

Biogen collaborates to discover novel targets for neurodegenerative and neurological diseases

Health Industry Hub | January 15, 2020 |

CAMP4 Therapeutics, a biotechnology company using the power of cellular signalling networks to accelerate drug discovery and development across multiple therapeutic areas, announced a collaboration with Biogen aimed at addressing neurodegenerative and neurological diseases.

The collaboration will leverage CAMP4’s Gene Circuitry Platform with the aim of identifying how to dial up or down the expression of disease-associated genes within microglial cells – the primary immune cells of the central nervous system, which are implicated in many serious neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.

“We are thrilled to enter into this collaboration with Biogen, as it brings together CAMP4’s unique expertise in deciphering the complex rules of the cellular system driving gene expression with Biogen’s pioneering leadership in CNS-related drug discovery and development,” said Josh Mandel-Brehm, President and CEO of CAMP4.

Mr. Mandel-Brehm continued, “By deciphering the network of signaling pathways that control gene expression for microglial cells, we have the potential to reveal dozens of druggable targets in genetic pathways already known to play a critical role in disease, creating the potential to address a number of serious unmet patient needs.”

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Under the terms of the agreement, CAMP4 will receive a $15 million upfront payment from Biogen. Biogen will reimburse CAMP4 for research activities, and Biogen will have the option to select resulting targets to advance to discovery, development and commercialization. CAMP4 will be eligible to receive development and milestone payments of up to $96 million, plus future royalties, for each of the initial selected targets and up to $173 million, plus future royalties, for each additional target. As part of the collaboration, the companies will also explore other cell types of the central nervous system beyond microglial cells to potentially expand the number of neurological diseases that could be addressed.

Using insights generated by its Gene Circuitry Platform, CAMP4 is creating tissue-specific circuitry maps, with each map serving as its own therapeutic area discovery engine. CAMP4 began by generating a liver cell map and is currently underway with mapping multiple additional tissue-based cell types. CAMP4’s collaboration with Biogen will leverage the company’s signaling map of the brain. Other maps in development include the kidney, heart, immune cells and muscle.

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