
News & Trends - MedTech & Diagnostics

‘Resist the urge for loud voices and sharp elbows,’ says Federal Health Minister, Mark Butler

Health Industry Hub | August 5, 2024 |

In addressing the nation’s healthcare challenges during his speech at the Australian Medical Association (AMA) National Conference, Mark Butler, Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care, emphasised the government’s “open and constructive relationship” with the AMA.

In stark contrast to the often adversarial relationship between the AMA and previous federal administrations, Minister Butler highlighted a new era of partnership.

“Instead of warring words and ‘press releases at 20 paces’ between the AMA and the government, I come to you today as a partner in reform,” he stated.

Minister Butler lauded the release of the second edition of the AMA’s policy document Vision for Australia’s Health, expressing optimism that it would continue to shape public debate and influence leaders across various sectors about the necessary steps to advance the country’s health performance.

AMA President Professor Steve Robson, emphasised “Now is the time for innovative policies and measures to address the issues facing our healthcare system and ensure all Australians, regardless of where they come from, have access to good healthcare.

“While governments recognise the pervasive impact of poor health, healthcare is still viewed as a cost rather than a strategic investment. This creates a system that responds to poor health outcomes rather than preventing them. We need to change this thinking.”

Minister Butler acknowledged the significant strain on Medicare due to a decade of funding cuts, a six-year freeze on Medicare rebates, and the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite Australia’s commendable life expectancy, ranking third in the OECD, Minister Butler noted the stagnation in health progress over the past twelve years.

“Twelve years of progress in medicine, in health care, in pharmaceutical technology, delivered a net gain of just an additional two months of good life lived without disability – and that was only for men,” he said.

The Minister outlined the government’s commitment to the National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA), aiming for a more integrated health system. This new hospital funding agreement promises over $13 billion in additional Commonwealth funds to states, surpassing previous agreements.

He emphasised, “While negotiations are currently paused, we look forward to them rapidly progressing, once the NDIS and disability reforms finally catch up with the progress we have already made in health.”

There are three critical independent reviews nearing completion: the Working Better for Medicare review, the Effectiveness Review, and the Scope of Practice Review.

These reviews, with the Scope of Practice Review due to government in October from Professor Cormack, will provide recommendations on workforce distribution, general practice incentives, and maximising the potential of the healthcare workforce. The results are expected to drive significant changes in how practitioners are compensated, their scope of work, and their geographical distribution.

Acknowledging potential challenges in response to these reviews, Minister Butler urged the health sector to resist reverting to “old habits of loud voices and sharp elbows.”

He concluded, “If we are to strengthen Medicare for the needs of a modern Australia, with very different needs to those that confronted people 40 years ago, then we are going to need to resist that urge.”

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